Coin wallet, coin purse are small bag, but that is a good storage bag for coin as you don’t know where you can put.
Hasp coin wallet can have different shape, like round, square, gold or sliver color, different size, this kind bag nice, hold coin very stable.
Also coin purse can do other style you want, like felt with press button for closure, zipper closure etc.
Coin wallet offered a good method to storage the coin, also put bag or home are easy to find it.
Cheap and convenient coin bag manufacturer in China, please purchase from us.
Offer promotional coin wallet with cute and nice, OEM orders are welcome.
Double-sided felt coin wallet, also can for storage bag
Semi-circular felt, press button coin wallet, ECO durable felt material
Casual women coin purse, velcro wallet, one big pocket,one coin pocket, seven business cards slip pocket.
Fashionable Cotton Coin Bag with Nickel Metal Clip